Ódáðahraun, the little-known desert of Iceland

Ódáðahraun ("mischeavious lava field", lit. "bad deeds lava" ) is a volcanic desert and extensive lava field located in northeast Iceland. It is the largest desert in Iceland and covers an area of approximately 4,400 square kilometers, and is believed to have formed around 8,000 years ago as a result…


Northbound: Skateboarding on Frozen Sand in Norway

https://vimeo.com/277903138 Ice, driftwood, foamy waves and… skateboards? Four skaters head north to the cold Norwegian coast, applying their urban skills to a wild canvas of beach flotsam, frozen sand and pastel skies. The result is a beautiful mashup — biting winds and short days, ollies and one ephemeral miniramp. Skaters:…


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